Threats to the Olympic and Paralympic Games: general mobilisation!
From July 26th, 2024, to September 8th, 2024, the eyes of the world will be on France, host of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. A...
Threats to the Olympic and Paralympic Games: general mobilisation!
From Paris 2024 to Los Angeles 2028: The Olympic continuity?
The Olympic Legacy on the Front Page
Paris and its suburbs under pressure as the Olympic Games approach
Cyrille Chahboune: from wounded veteran to top athlete
Quelle smart city pour demain ?
La sécurité publique à l'heure de la smart city
Au coeur des enjeux des smart & safe cities latino-americaines
Observer… s’ouvrir… transformer pour une ville inclusive et égalitaire
How surveillance technology can help cities achieve their sustainability goals
Numérique, clé de voute des territoires intelligents
Sécurité au cœur des territoires : un enjeu (et un bien) commun